Adding German Engineering to great British Cars!
Problems with your Lucas / Rover / MG / Nissan 5AS, 10AS, Pektron or Land Rover ALM CH12 / DH12 Immobilizer?
You are an owner of a
- Classic Mini
- MG-F, -TF, -ZS, -ZR
- Rover 25, 45, 75
- Rover 200, 400, 600, 800 etc. (also with HONDA PGMFi Engine)
- Rover 820 & 825 with 26VT CCU immobilizer
- Lotus Elise with Rover K-Series Engine
- LandRover Defender, Discovery (II) or Freelander
- Morgan with Rover Engine or Morgan Plus 4 GDI
- Caterham with Rover Engine
- Nissan with Lucas Immobilizer (e.g. Micra or Serena)
and you are suffering from Problems with your Lucas 5AS , 10AS, Pektron or ALM (black version of 10AS) immobilizer? You can disarm it rarely or not at all?
Have you been locked out by your Body Control Unit (BCU) of your Land Rover Discovery ?
We have the solution!
Because of the poor design, either the keyfobs , the immobilizer or both will fail earlier or later. A replacement is hard to find nowadays and the car has to rest for the moment.
We offer a replacement module which is installed instead of the 5AS or 10AS and behaves towards the Engine Control Unit (ECU) like a disarmed immobilizer. As a result you can reliably start your engine from now on without using your keyfobs.
Our module is ´Plug-n-Play´. No soldering and no searching for cables. Simply plug onto the existing connector, replacing the Lucas 5AS immobilizer. This solution can be reverted back to the original state at any time. The installation is done within a few minutes and we offer a lifetime warranty regarding the proper function of our module. After installation of the module neither the keyfobs nor the 5AS immobilizer is needed anymore!
However, because every vehicle has its own Immobilizer Code, you need to send your original Immobilizer and Keyfobs for reading your vehicles codes from them. They will be returned to you modified or with the repalcement module.
For those who would like continue using the central locking functionality, we offer our module built into the Lucas 5AS immobilizer (e.g. MG-F or Rover Models).
For those using a 10AS immobilizer, our module is automatically built into the 10AS.
In case you would consult our service, please send your 5AS or 10AS immobilizer together with the keyfobs to:
Ing.-Büro Grafe
Ralf Grafe
Hammersteinstr. 3
47807 Krefeld
Reading codes and producing your personal module is typically done within one day. Payments peferred using PayPal.
Current Picelist (valid from 1.1.2025)
5AS Module for Classic Mini and Rover Models - 199,- €
5AS Module for Rover with Honda Engine (PGMFi) - 209,- €
5AS Modification for Vehicles with Central Locking - 189,- €
8AS Modification for Nissan Micra / Serena / etc. - 199,- €
10AS Modification - 209,- €
ALM Modification / Repair - 269,- €
All Prices including current valid VAT of 19% and free shipping inside Germany.
(In case you're an EU business customer, please provide us with yout VAT ID for invoice without VAT)
Foreign shipping inside EU plus 10,- € (DHL Tracked Premium Parcel)
Foreign shipping outside EU: upon request
Attention: When sending your Immobilizer from outside the EU, import duties and 19% import tax will be charged, based on the value you declare. Please declare a value of 50 Euro for your parcel on the CN22 Customs form and clearly mark the Package on the outside with "Defective Item, for repair and return only".
You can also use our orderform below:
Note: The DHL shipping label option is available in Germany only!

Where do I find my 5AS, 10AS or ALM Immobilizer?
Classic Rover Mini: Inside behind the stereo.
Rover 25: Left of clutch pedal.
Rover 100: Behind the glove box.
Rover 200-400 (old): Behind the Instrument package.
Rover 214/218/220: Left of clutch pedal.
Rover 414/416/420: Undeneath oddments compartment.
MG-F: Undeneath oddments compartment.
MG ZR: Underneath Dashboard above Clutch Pedal.
Lotus Elise: Behind the Instrument package (STACK).
Land Rover Discovery: Right side in co-driver footwell area.
Land Rover Defender (P38/old): Behind the Instrument package (Remove 8 Screws and Instruments).
Land Rover Defender (Puma): behind the left loudspeaker next to the steering column.
Land Rover Discovery BCU: behind the Glove Box, secured by a single screw.